Category Archives: Television

Conan the Adventurer

I didn’t have the pleasure of discovering Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Cimmerian through creased and sun damaged paperbacks from the 1970s as I’m sure many did. As I mentioned in my first post on Conan, I’m not sure whether … Continue reading

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The Curse of the Scary Shoulder Pads Lady

From 1980s to the early 1990s, women wearing jackets with large shoulder pads was a fashion that was hard to miss. This fed into the empowered woman/feminist architype of the time and can be seen in a number of films … Continue reading

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Turn Off and Unsubscribe

It was not uncommon to hear from my elders growing up that television could rot your brain and you shouldn’t watch it too much. Quite a bit has changed since then but they weren’t wrong then and the sentiment if … Continue reading

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Battlestar Galactica: Rewatching the Reimagining

Late last month I finished a re-watching of the Battlestar Galactica reimagining which began as a miniseries in late 2003 and ran for four seasons from 2004 until 2009. I often mention that I don’t watch TV on this blog … Continue reading

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The Decline of The Simpsons

Earlier this year for whatever reason I started thinking about the way me and my peers would quote or reference episodes of The Simpsons. To this day, I have never heard a reference or quote that I did not recognise … Continue reading

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