A Caution to Converts

Whether to Christianity, a political “ism”, some weird cult or regrettably even veganism, there is nothing more likely to infuriate those around you than the sudden zealous condemnation of behaviour you used to engage in or at least not disapprove of. This is always a danger for the convert because they are understandably enthusiastic about what they’ve converted to and so they’ll really want people to know it. While I could care less about most of the examples above, I think this is particularly important for newly converted Christians. One reason for this is that the majority of converts (certainly including me), were not living a righteous life prior, still have to struggle to do so after and probably left a trail of emotional, social or worse damage before they finally saw the Light. 

The recent online drama involving Melonie Mac can be considered a timely reminder if nothing else.

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The Feast of Selenoth Continues


A Sea of Skulls by Vox Day, Castalia House, February 9th, 2024

While I now regret the gastronomic metaphor I originally used in the title for my review of Summa Elvetica and continued in my review of A Throne of Bones, I am afraid I shall now have to continue this until the series is finished. I do have to apologise to anyone who finds these titles irritating but I value consistency over popularity. 

I began re-reading these two books in anticipation of the long-awaited sequel A Sea of Skulls which was finally and fully released in February of last year and is now available on the Arkhaven Store, Amazon and elsewhere. I say “fully” because a shorter version of this was released digitally in late 2016 but I, like many, waited longer for the final edition. I waited further still for the physical release and finally read it over the Christmas holidays late last year.

The short version of this review is that I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to A Grave of Gods which will presumably be the final book in the series. In what follows, I am going to be deliberately vague about plot points as I was in the previous two reviews. Once the series is complete, I may write a more extended post that gives a more thorough analysis but that will be much further into the future. Continue reading

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Appendix N Review

APPENDIX N: The Literary History of Dungeons & Dragons by Jeffro Johnson, Castalia House, June 28th, 2017 

This is a book that I’ve been meaning to get to for a while though I’m not necessarily the target audience. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons though I have played tabletop or pen-and-paper role-playing games a few times. The two times I can recall were both one-off and separated by years so I don’t have the experience or understanding of these games that is generally assumed by the author. Thankfully, these games also had tremendous influence on computer role-playing games (CRPGs) and RPGS in general as I’ve written about before. Many of the systems used in video games are based on these pioneering board games. This lack of experience with the actual tabletop game naturally limits the words that follow so I want to be upfront about this.

What could understandably be considered an odd title is named after the actual ‘Appendix N’ of Gary Gygax’s Dungeon Master’s Guide for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons that was published in 1979. This appendix lists a number of titles and authors that influenced the tabletop game. Jeffro Johnson set out to read these works and write commentary on them which were originally published on his blog. These posts were later collected and published as the work under review here in 2017. 

One more thing before continuing is that in 2021 there was another book published cheekily with the same title and a much inferior cover. From what I can see, this is simply a collection of a number of these influential works covered by Johnson in his.  Continue reading

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Review

In 2014, a new Swedish studio called MachineGames released a new entry in the Wolfenstein series titled Wolfenstein: The New Order and it was fantastic. Unfortunately, after a decent standalone expansion, they followed up with two very poor sequels and it seemed (at least to me), that the studio would never repeat the success of their first game Ten years later, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle has proved this assumption wrong and despite the criticisms that will follow, is arguably the best Indiana Jones video game ever made. Some may scoff that this isn’t hard but the point-and-click adventure game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and the flawed but enjoyable Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb were my previous two candidates. The former captured the spirit of adventure while the latter nailed the visceral brawling the protagonist often engaged in. There was also Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures on the Super Nintendo but this was a platformer at heart — though certainly a good game.

I’ve only previously reviewed one Indiana Jones video game which was the rather terrible Wii exclusive Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings from 2009. In the linked review, part of my conclusion wondered why LucasArts had not put serious money into a proper game — especially as it followed so soon after a new film. Well, it took fifteen years but they finally did. Continue reading

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The Games of 2024

It was always going to be hard to top 2023 but 2024 didn’t even come close in my opinion. Naturally, I don’t play everything that comes out but there also wasn’t a lot I was really interested in. Probably the biggest AAA release that I wanted to play but didn’t this year was Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 which was a long-awaited (and unexpected) sequel to a game I quite enjoyed. I am sure I will get to it sometime and by all accounts, it was very good. Apart from this, the only two games that I wanted to play but haven’t are Animal Well and Penny’s Big Breakaway. The former was the first title published by Bigmode which was founded by YouTuber “videogamedunkey” and his wife. The latter was a new game from the creators of Sonic Mania. As with Space Marine 2, I am sure I will get to both of these eventually.

Most of the games I’ve played are once again Nintendo published and interestingly, Nintendo didn’t win even one of the “super official” Game Awards for 2024 for all that matters. The big winner there was the PlayStation 5 exclusive Astro Bot which honestly does look fun and something I would play if it were to become available on PC or another platform. It is hardly something that would prompt me to spend hundreds of dollars on a new console though.

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Lucy Pulls Away the Football Again

The main problem with conservatives is they don’t conserve anything. That’s all you really need to know as that alone makes all their political posturing utterly worthless. Another problem, and what will be the subject of this post, is that they’re also extremely gullible. Years ago, Vox Day wrote a short but then topical post titled “The Charlie Brown Republicans”. The background of this was the issue of health care reform in the United States and the initially genuinely grass roots “Tea Party” movement. The Republicans were then, as now, pretending to be hard on spending cuts before inevitably caving in exchange for vague promises that are broken and/or a few negligible temporary cuts to tax or spending. As the linked article shows, this game goes back before my birth and unsurprisingly still goes on today.

Conservatives to their credit, have generally stopped falling for promised spending cuts, as the linked article in the post by prominent cuckservative Kevin D. Williamson demonstrates but they still continue to fall for another deception. This comes when any prominent non-conservative says anything even vaguely against the “current thing”. Following this, they will be lauded and immediately trusted by conservatives. A good example is J.K. Rowling who “bravely” believes that men who have (or at least had) a penis, should not be allowed in the ladies room or to participate in female sports. Outside of this single example of moral sanity she is openly left-wing, describes herself as a feminist and otherwise supports transvestitism. Accepting biological reality is then one of the minimum standards for being a conservative — what ever else you may believe. She of course doesn’t want or care about this support and so is no friend to anyone even vaguely right-wing. 

Most recently (and currently as of writing), we have the new conservative of circumstance: Elon Musk. He has very quickly pulled away the proverbial football by vociferously defending the corrupt H-1B visa program that is mainly used to bring in cheap tech workers instead of employing the millions of Americans already available for employment. It isn’t worth getting into the debate about this as the promoters of this program are shameless liars. Musk is one of these liars and certainly one who financially benefits from these programs. He was one of the most prominent figures to come out in support of Trump in the recent US election which is how he became the most recent honorary conservative. Prior to this his “conservative” or “right-wing” credentials had been demonstrated because he bought Twitter (now known as X), and restored many (though not all), of the accounts suspended mostly during the shenanigans of 2020. 

As with Rowling, both Musk’s life and public statements should have put to rest any notion that he was one of “our guys” and it was a shame to see so many on even the dissident right believe he would be anything but another resident of the swamp. Continue reading

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The Broken Author

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, Orbit, August 4th, 2015

The Fifth Season is the first book in N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy which scored a hat trick of Hugo Award wins in 2016, 17 & 18. Before getting into the review, I should probably start by giving a brief background on how I became familiar with the author. This will in part be to make plain my bias but also just because it is worth going over as these controversies; as I believe they contributed to her three Hugo wins more than the quality of her writing.

In June of 2013, she gave a speech at the Continuum Convention in Melbourne, Australia. Although not named directly, she referenced Vox Day in her speech and described him as:

a self-described misogynist, racist, anti-Semite, and a few other flavors of ***hole

Vox Day responded stating that he does not describe himself this way though his detractors have. He then described Jemisin as:

an educated, but ignorant half-savage, with little more understanding of what it took to build a new literature by “a bunch of beardy old middle-class middle-American guys” than an illiterate Igbotu tribesman has of how to build a jet engine

The context for Jemisin’s attack was that Day had recently ran for president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and lost to author, Steven Gould. He unsurprisingly lost by a significant margin but even receiving 10% of the vote was too much for Jemisin. Now whether or not you think Vox’s reply was particularly charitable, he was not the first to fling the dung and there had been a lot more flung at him before this. The above quote provoked proverbial (and probably no few literal), shrieks from the SFWA “community” and led to his expulsion from the organisation. It has often been quoted (and misquoted) since and usually without the context. I found Vox’s response highly amusing and agree with him completely.

Something I’d forgotten is that Jemisin opened her speech with a spiel about feeling unsafe in Australia and other countries though to my knowledge, was never lynched, mugged or even harassed on her visit. Had anything like this happened, we’d certainly have heard about it. She stated after spending some time in the country that:

This is not a safe country for people of color. It’s better than it was, certainly, but when the first news story I saw on turning on my first Australian TV channel was about your One Nation party’s Pauline Hanson… well. Still got a ways to go.

This was given to an audience in Melbourne who were likely mostly left-wing, so she wasn’t called out on any of the inaccurate things she said in just the first few paragraphs. In reality, those residing in Australia (regardless of their ethnicity), generally have a lot more to fear from people that look like her than any other group; as is certainly true in the United States. The only evidence of Australia being unsafe she had was seeing a politician who advocates immigration restriction on television. If you can stomach reading it, you’ll also observe how devoid it is of the topic of speculative fiction which is the stated purpose of the convention.

The next time her name came up for me was during the Rabid Puppies Campaigns in 2015 and 2016. The Fifth Season was published in 2015 and she was nominated and won the Hugo for Best Novel in 2016. This win, as well as her two subsequent wins were used as evidence that the Rabid Puppies had failed when they actually demonstrated exactly what Vox Day had been saying about the politicisation of the awards going back years.

So this should be enough context before I proceed but I will add that I my initial expectations for this novel would be that it would be simply bad and that Jemisin was promoted not because of her ability, but because she is a black female. After reading it, I would say that these are certainly reasons but not the most important.

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Do people realise Ghostbusters was a comedy?

One of the early posts on my blog was some brief commentary on the trailer for the all female Ghostbusters reboot from 2016. I’ve still not seen the film but by most accounts, it was as bad as I expected it to be and perhaps worse. The film wasn’t a total financial disaster but it still likely lost money when advertising expenses are factored in. It wasn’t so disastrous that the franchise was abandoned though and Ghostbusters: Afterlife followed in in 2021. This was directed and co-written by Jason Reitman, the son of Ivan Reitman who directed the original. He was clearly well aware of the fan response to the female reboot and so held more consciously to the series roots — at least superficially. The film was received well and I actually watched it — though I didn’t like it! Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire was released earlier this year and was a direct sequel to Afterlife with the cast all returning with the original setting of New York also being brought back. In my previous post, I mentioned how belated sequels to old films tend to be bad or pointless and these two films are good examples.

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Top Gun: Maverick – A Worthy Sequel

In my review of the original Top Gun a few years ago, I briefly mentioned the then upcoming sequel and described it as “probably unnecessary”. This cautious cynicism is a result of how often sequels coming years after, if not terrible, are unnecessary at best. Examples include sequels to eighties classics like Coming to America and this year’s sequel to Beetlejuice. There was absolutely no need for these sequels to exist and they usually just follow the same beats of the original; seldom distinguishing themselves from the original enough to justify their existence. Whereas the better sequels either do something to differentiate from the original or else come so close after the original as to seem like a genuine continuation. Top Gun: Maverick certainly follows similar beats to the original but it is a new song and I’m happy to admit my early scepticism was wrong. Continue reading

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Jagged Alliance 2 Book Review

Jagged Alliance 2 by Darius Kazemi, Boss Fight Books, August 25th, 2014

This is a book I had long been interested in but held off buying despite it being dedicated to one of my favourite games of all time. It was not so much the book itself but what I considered the pretentious aesthetic chosen by the publisher: Boss Fight Books. Certainly a petty reason but contrary to the popular aphorism — you often can judge a book by its cover. And the cover suggested it would be a meandering personal narrative of the author’s experiences with the game and so a waste of time, money, ink and paper. While this certainly seems to be the case for at least a few of the books published under this label, it is not the case here. Darius Kazemi knows his subject well, interviewed a number of the key development staff and often includes extended quotes from them within the text. He also gives a concise history of both the publisher Sir-tech and the Jagged Alliance series before delving into Jagged Alliance 2‘s development, design, story, features and legacy. It is short but little space is wasted. His experiences of the game also mirror many that I have detailed in other posts about the series on this blog.

I am labelling this as a review but what follows isn’t going to follow the typical format I usually adopt for these. It isn’t really necessary as I absolutely recommend the book to anyone familiar with the game and encourage the curious to read an exert published here.

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