Author Archives: JC

Jane Austen and Feminists

One of the great things about my time in university was that I got to read and study a lot of great works of literature. One of the worst things about my time in university was that this was usually … Continue reading

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From Comedian to Punchline

The recent poor reviews of Joe Rogan’s Netflix special has me thinking about how quickly comedians can go from being funny to a living joke. Thinking about Rogan specifically, I remember learning of him around the time he famously (or … Continue reading

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The Last Tomb Raider

After recently replaying Crystal Dynamic’s 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, I became interested in replaying the two original titles they developed after they replaced Core Design. The first game they developed was Tomb Raider: Legend which was developed on a completely … Continue reading

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Gaiman’s Secret King

Neil Gaiman has been in the news a lot recently been the subject of a number recent accusations by women which have been covered extensively by Fandom Pulse and some smaller online outlets. As a result of this, his dedicated … Continue reading

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Adapting Dune’s Characters to Film

There are three film adaptations of Frank Herbert’s Dune and while none of them come close to the brilliance of the novel, they all have at least something to recommend them. Perhaps Alejandro Jodorowsky’s never-to-be-filmed Dune would have come closer … Continue reading

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Not with a bang but a wimper

I will state at the outset and without a hint of irony, that /pol/ on 4chan is far more reliable for news than any mainstream news website. In stating that, I still don’t recommend getting your daily news there as … Continue reading

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Going Deeper with BioShock

BioShock was released in August 2007 on PC, Xbox 360 and later PlayStation 3. While this was a few years into the console generation, it was one of the games that really defined it; as indeed did a number of … Continue reading

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Revisiting Arkham, Raiding Tombs and a trip through Mordor

As I just recently had the first big computer upgrade in almost a decade, I wanted to see how some games I’d previously played at release on low or medium settings looked today when on max settings. So I reinstalled … Continue reading

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Disney’s The Three Musketeers Review

Having recently finished re-reading The Three Musketeers, I decided I would review one of my favourite films which was the 1993 Disney adaptation of this book. The Three Musketeers is almost like a fairytale in the sense that many people … Continue reading

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Thus Always to Leakers

I’ve written a few times before about the irrelevance of gaming journalism due to the Internet providing new avenues for both publishers and largely unpaid enthusiasts to spread information that was previously limited to trade shows, magazines and to a … Continue reading

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