Monthly Archives: October 2016

Mexican Flags

In 2006 I was in the United States on university exchange. This was my first and to date my only visit to the USA unless I count a trip to Guam a few years ago. There are many things I … Continue reading

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Believing in Anything

It’s the first effect of not believing in God that you lose your common sense. -G.K. Chesterton This quote is usually rendered as something like “When you cease to believe in God, you believe in anything” but this appears to be misquoted and … Continue reading

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Immigration & Absolutes

I would argue (and I don’t think I’d get much disagreement), that if you were to bring 1,000,000 Anglo-Celtic Australians into Japan, you would get an increase in violent crime, theft and public drunkenness. I’ve said this before and may have … Continue reading

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Hilarity & Hitler

The last few weeks I have been following what has turned out to be a bit of a storm in a tea cup amongst the alternative right. This post in particular prompted this but it isn’t the first time it … Continue reading

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