
As I write, there is just under a week until the Voice to Parliament referendum in Australia on Saturday the 14th of October. This is the first referendum in over twenty years and the first since I became eligible to vote. If passed, it would be the first to pass in more than forty years. They are infrequent and most fail when put to the public. The question being voted on is:

A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

According to polls, it seems unlikely it will pass and it may well be less successful than expected as many Australians are terrified of being called racist and so in some cases might avoid sharing their actual voting intentions until the day. I am assuming it will fail but I am still cynical about what will follow either way. Most of the worst people in Australia support the affirmative which alone is enough to be against it. I do not believe they are confident enough to attempt blatant electoral fraud as happened during the 2020 United States Presidential Election but this is still a real possibility. I think electoral fraud is much more likely than a genuine win for the ‘Yes’ vote.

I also know that success for the ‘No’ vote will not be the end of the matter. Though not in the same form, this idea has been around for a while. I first remember the idea of an amendment put to the public by former Prime Minister John Howard as a last desperate attempt to get a fifth term in office in 2007. The old timer has come out against this one as it would have more teeth than simple recognition in the constitution would. If it fails, something similar will still be done somehow through legislation and the same pale aboriginals who would form a successful ‘Voice’ in parliament already have their shrill voices heard by the government on so many issues that the referendum is really only trying to make official what already exists. Still the enthusiasm to get it through suggests there is more at work.

The problem as always with the ‘No’ side is they waste time arguing with the opposite side as if both sides are reasonable. They’ve learned literally nothing from the years of cultural vandalism and the ‘vote until you get it right’ mentality of the opposition. Voting ‘No’ to the Republic did not end the republican movement and this movement has a lot of crossover with this latest call for ‘change’.


Keith Windschuttle anticipated this referendum a while back when he published his book The Break-Up of Australia in 2016. It is certainly worth reading and gives a great window into the minds of the personalities behind the ‘Yes’ campaign. As revealing as the book is, it won’t be of any interest to people on the ‘Yes’ side and will only come to the majority of Australians in a filtered form. The other side will deny or ignore everything he demonstrates in this book even when their own words condemn them. 

The other side will solemnly tell you they have no intention to rename capital cities, abolish Australia Day, forcibly acquire private property under the guise of land rights and many other things they are absolutely planning to do. They are already doing these things on a small scale where they have sufficient power. My gut feeling suggests the success of this referendum would make all of what they are doing even easier for them. A lot of Australians naively thought Kevin Rudd’s absurd ‘Sorry’ ceremony in 2008 would be the end of the grievance culture but it didn’t end with that and it won’t with the latest effort either. It won’t end until it is stopped and it will never be stopped while Australians are afraid of being called racist. 

The reality even among Australians with British descent (as in actual Australians), is the vast majority are poorly informed about the workings of government. Most vote on instinct or vague notions of what the government will do and don’t care as long as their life isn’t affected too much. This is even worse among actual Aboriginals. I’d bet the percentage of Aboriginals who know what day of the week it is at any given time would shock many — though not me. Most actual Aboriginals (that is ones that aren’t majority European), will get nowhere near a position of influence in parliament should the referendum succeed. They also won’t get any substantial benefit from it outside some extra rights or monetary compensation that will do nothing to slow the woeful social destruction that continues in most communities.

The smug white aboriginals will certainly profit in the short term but lose in the long run. As with mass immigration, this is aimed more at destroying the Australian nation than anything else. They will only be allowed to have their ‘Voice’ in so far it is useful to the actual powers in Australia who aren’t even within our borders. So I will be voting ‘No’ but I don’t expect this will do more than slow things down. Further to this, one must hope for an end to the current world order which could well release Australians from pernicious international influences. It is also incumbent on the Australian people to be a better and more moral people so as to not allow their lives to be dictated by debt and degeneracy.

To finish I will reiterate that there is absolutely nothing to be gained from engaging with the other side as if there will be any genuine civic discourse. There isn’t and there long hasn’t been. Nothing they say can be believed and nobody should suppose their sentiments about ‘healing’ or ‘unity’ to be sincere.

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